Our Top 5 Linen Tips

We often have couples come in for an initial design consultation who think they want simple white linens and napkins. They have not considered that the addition of a decorative linen will take their wedding design from nice to AMAZING. Following are the top 4 things we tell our clients when they are deciding on linens.


ALWAYS (WE MEAN ALWAYS), Choose Floor Length Linens

You do not want the table legs to be seen. Many people will say that floor length linens will be stepped on, get dirty, or can trip someone. An appropriately sized linens will just graze the floor, so at worst the hem may get a little dirty but that can be cleaned. Trust us, you do not want to see the legs of 20 tables, it makes your wedding feel more like conference and they are also unsightly in photos.

Guest Tables Are the Centerpiece of the Reception

Consider having decorative linens on each one. Pretty linens can set the mood and add color, texture and visual interest to your reception.

Mix and Match to Fit Your Budget

If you cannot afford floor length decorative tablecloths on every guest table create a plan that fits your budget. Maybe the head table gets full tablecloths and guest tables have matching runners. This saves money but adds color to the whole room.

Don’t Forget Special Tables

There are a number of tables at a wedding that are heavily photographed and can always use an extra punch of color and design. Make sure to remember to turn a design eye to your guestbook/welcome table, cake table and gift tables.

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